worst comments
Omichka called low-income families "parasitic". [A refutation later appeared].
Exciting chase
And the truth
Coincidence? I doubt it ... Pikabu kalym or holey protection.
OZON.RU - pay for the goods, we will not deliver it to you, but we will not return the money
Almost for nothing
The well-known exchange completely went nuts
Sponsored post against the law?
Help an aspiring freelancer
Omichka called low-income families "parasitic". [A refutation later appeared].
When the performer can not wait
Do not drown in cons, please! The puppies are looking for their new home...
Search for dog that fled the scene of an accident
Help an aspiring freelancer
About how I "surrendered" schoolchildren to the police.
Omichka called low-income families "parasitic". [A refutation later appeared].
Help an aspiring freelancer
Close the kindergarten
And the truth
And the truth
Ideal Schema
AK Pobeda wanted to become a low-cost airline...
My police protect me, or not ..?
Is using a personal VPN a crime?
It's time..
Inflation and the pool
That's what's wrong?
But a natural product
Airlines of the Russian Federation. Vote with your ruble.
Help an aspiring freelancer