olgasvs posts

04-May-2024 Saturday
Why girls fell in love with Guy Ritchie's "Gentlemen". Movie review

20-January-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Creating a virtual 3d mannequin”

04-January-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post “Fight Club vs. the American Dream: Why the Film is Relevant Now”

13-November-2023 Monday
Once again about not raising salaries for teachers

15-August-2022 Monday
The first motorcycle for a girl

03-August-2022 Wednesday
Subscribers, who are you?)

03-August-2022 Wednesday
How to grate cheese

18-April-2022 Monday
Video of gratitude to the Serbs

17-April-2022 Sunday
Durion's response is "Rallies in support of Russia are taking place in Belgrade. Let's thank the Serbs in Moscow?"

19-January-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "Wife's Infidelity"

09-January-2022 Sunday
In the wake of posts about changing jobs

30-November-2021 Tuesday
About faith in people

02-August-2020 Sunday
