worst comments
anni2312's answer to "Teachers brought me"
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
anni2312's answer to "Teachers brought me"
anni2312's answer to "Teachers brought me"
anni2312's answer to "Teachers brought me"
Empty question...
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
Protesters in Tbilisi called on Russians fleeing the mobilization to leave Georgia
anni2312's answer to "Teachers brought me"
Mathematics task for grade 2 in one of the Moscow schools
52 rubles per hour or 7,500 per month for work in an orphanage
Empty question...
morning conversations
Empty question...
Where is my agenda?
I couldn't help but do it...
Sergei Sobyanin personally thanked Roman Kovalev