15-August-2023 Tuesday
Quit drinking
22-June-2023 Thursday
Hans, get the flamethrower, it's moving!
06-May-2023 Saturday
20-April-2023 Thursday
07-April-2023 Friday
Orthodox priests are different
05-April-2023 Wednesday
sad fact
01-April-2023 Saturday
Help restore justice and prevent police officers from getting away with it! Part 2. An unexpected turn
28-March-2023 Tuesday
Expectation and reality
17-February-2023 Friday
Industrial Tests security
28-January-2023 Saturday
The anniversary is celebrated by the writer and singer-songwriter Mikhail Elizarov
23-January-2023 Monday
shaolin kung fu
21-January-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post "Children are very cruel, remember this"
20-January-2023 Friday
Trees in the style of Guy Ritchie
20-January-2023 Friday
creepy video
19-January-2023 Thursday
That's all, now it's not scary to go into the forest
19-January-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post "Day of the urologist :)"
17-January-2023 Tuesday
jeRaff's answer to "For people who grew up in poverty, what did you consider a luxury then?"
17-January-2023 Tuesday
How a Raven Opens a Walnut
10-January-2023 Tuesday
Weevil portrait
10-January-2023 Tuesday
positivchik017's answer in "Relief"