odyvanec comments, page 7

[7] [6] [1]

27-August-2019 Tuesday
Spreaders of goodness go on the counterattack: a Minsker is threatened with a court case for a post about “contact dealers”

08-August-2019 Thursday
It's not meant to be...

08-August-2019 Thursday
K - Customer focus

08-August-2019 Thursday
New tool. Rechargeable.

15-April-2019 Monday
Italian athletes

10-February-2019 Sunday
When the floor is lava

28-January-2019 Monday
And this year's Oscar goes to...

06-January-2019 Sunday
When the tinkerer was left without a job

19-December-2018 Wednesday
mud volcano

20-October-2018 Saturday
Photowalk: Minsk, Belarus #3

[7] [6] [1]
