best comments
Do it all yourself
A Dutch journalist was able to join a meeting of EU defense ministers
How the Moon moved away from the Earth
Twists of fate or just knocked out teeth
Sberbank blocked my million for a month
Like a candy wrapper folded the body
Corporate wars
What is this thing - 73
Yes, BUT (Issue 11)
Secrets of Herodotus
Margot Robbie and the deaf fan
The most humane court in the world!
What a great anecdote!
About light bulbs
Pisses in their eyes, and they are God's dew
Briefly (not) about immigrants
Principal relative
Blackstar, the same photograph, letter and court of appeal [continued]
Creating water pressure
Response to the post “To build import substitution from scratch with these people? Or is it better to spit and buy ready-made in China?”
Attempted bicycle theft... This is a fiasco bro)))
Creep backpack
I asked for a split bill, but the girl was offended, although she had said something different before...
This is what ancient Egypt looked like...
Computer master. Part 260
About debts
But no Coronaviruses or oncology!
We'll all be fired!
And we all sin against the Russian post
Versailles in Khrushchev
The driver hid a woman with children from a dog
COVID-19 Vaccine
It won't get any better!
Sturdy shovel
Fathers and Sons
Continuation of the post "The host of the TV channel" Russia Today "offered to drown in the river or burn children who believe that Russia has occupied Ukraine"
awesome glasses
Whoops, and you're done!
An interesting way of fishing
Play for me: the game doesn’t work at all
The legendary meme has its own history
The view in the window can be changed using the phone
The militant operation could have been planned long ago; it was preceded by serious and thorough preparation
A cunning taxi driver in Kostroma
American scientists are sounding the alarm: neo-racism has already reached the exact sciences
Who else wants to go to the future?
I identified myself...
Response to the post “I wonder what is the favorite anal lubricant for those who write “for the price in direct”?”
Metatron came in flames! (Dogma Movie)
Choose your dreams right
Does this seem true?
This is another forte
Our "humane" laws
false killer whale
Ambiguous and unusual scientific experiments. The Girl Who Talked to the Dolphin
Educational conversation in the elevator
How the bosses were updated at work. (cafe)
Briefly about the history of Japan
Russian justice stop! What are you doing? Ahaha
Eclipse in Chichen Itza, Mexico
"You often hear about people - they do not have a goal in life. In the army, the goal is indicated by a target." (C)
The United States announced the start of a global race for the resources of the Arctic.
I'm a grandmother.
Alfa Bank
Participants in high-profile gang rape in India to be executed after seven years
Syndrome of (un)delayed life
Old schools cramped
Response to denial of the siege of Leningrad
Gogoro electric scooter battery replacement station in Taiwan
“They pay 3 kopecks for medicine and are dissatisfied with something”: rector of the Bashkir State Medical University. university criticized Ufa residents
How to raise a silent ninja?
How to explain your absence from work
Shot for porn
Home Sweet Home
What is this thing - 96
American Aviation Black Thursday
Passenger died
Let's begin
There are currently 6 spacecraft docked to the ISS
A strange solution to life's problems
Be vigilant! Heresy is closer than you think!
Covid romance
“I see how brave you are, n *** races”: a fight broke out between a parent and a school security guard in the Tambov region
Maximum Security Olympiad
Mount Olympus on Mars
Would return with my salary to childhood
How Zimbabwe is fighting the epidemic
How relevant is this in 2020?
Mask with milen farmer
Train to City 17
Obviously, in such restrooms, they don’t take selfies by the mirrors.
Employers, what do you expect when taking migrants to work?
How I rented a room
What happens if the driver goes crazy?
Combat Zyuganov
Guessed wrong
Three with one pencil!
How I found out about cheating or an easy way to stop joking
Waiting for the second season
The difference is obvious
Surgeon in Moscow gets 4 years in prison for trying to get paid
Sashko Kuritsyn no longer watches Steven Seagal films
If you don't know how, don't do it
I beat my dad
Nobody cares about children's health in Smolensk - 2. How you can win in the Supreme Court but achieve nothing
Anne Hathaway
Hurd claims that she did not cheat on Depp, that he was unreasonably jealous
If only he had yelled "Hi-ya!" every time something breaks
Doorbell in the forest
Why Roman Grebenyuk was killed - complete correspondence from a parent chat in Volgograd
Reply to the post "Good night"
Forensic examination Kirill Kovalev. The previous post was deleted. Murder
For the first time in the Kaliningrad region, fiber-reinforced concrete roads are being built
Reply to the post “Where did you go? To the agricultural??? Ugh..."
Famous photo in Auschwitz. The building behind the gates - why is it not advertised what it is?
I thought this only happened in jokes
Universal bummer
I killed my grandmother with a toilet
Reply to post "What's going on?"
UV sunscreen
Rare and not very cartoons for old people
Guys, what are the difficulties of your life?
They are going to put me in prison after appealing to Kamchatka Governor V. Solodov
Reply to the post "Savior"
Tesla treats the sun like a yellow traffic light
There was a cultural exchange
Tinkoff has gone bad
Edge of the Namib Desert
If you don't kill us, we will write to Sportloto
A terrible story of betrayal.
It turns out that non-Russian girls are not allowed to date Russian guys..)
Programmers create the world
Meme 1-11
Response to the post “To build import substitution from scratch with these people? Or is it better to spit and buy ready-made in China?”
Feel old
How to save a penguin with an anti-personnel mine
HP - you're crazy! or "Where is the radiator"???
Severe Surgut Airlines
Ultimately boiled
KFC accepted the challenge
I want to live
So it goes
Don't sit in the wrong sleigh
Rare photos from the set of The Lord of the Rings have surfaced. Some may already have been
The tale of how revolutions arise "suddenly only at the initiative of the working masses"
What has changed in Russia since January 1, 2020
The Khimki court has not paid for the work of a translator for nine months
About a caring wife
Gagarin about his dream
About polite cashiers
Response to the post "Patriot beat the informal for appearance"
Hell stories of fast food workers
In the USA, Indians are demanding that the “presidents” be blown up. This is a bas-relief in South Dakota
And it's true...
Package from childhood
Reveal the company's secret, if you don't mind
They are back.
Reply to the post “A bus drowned on Klyazminskaya Street in Moscow”
Rebar leveler...
Darling, why can’t anything smooth out for me?
Thank you
In Orenburg, a zoo activist was punished for a video about a boy torn to pieces by dogs
Tricky boy
Why so long
Cameron Diaz, 1994
Unusual serving
Reply to the post about Dudka
Niggas don't know about slavery
Monsieur knows a lot about witches
When the construction company simply pressed Ctrl+C Ctrl+V
I'm a mother on a bike path
Because of me, the head of Magnit won’t buy candy for her child.
I'm Roman
Removed video about mobilization
Passive aggression
At 8 years old...
Tricky boy
resident Evil
After the kill, you just need to heal
Noise from neighbors
From you $50,000
Inspektorkoteika's answer to "Burnout at work"
January 1943
Paralyzed dad builds cozy corner for his daughters
Photos from the on-board camera of the Chinese Chang'e-5 spacecraft
Pre-revolutionary peasants
Reply to the post “The hooligan who threatened the guard with a pistol while his friends were damaging the carriages has been detained, he is already apologizing. What sentence does he face?
Removed video about mobilization
The answer to the post "Peekaboo is informative!"
Was the Virgin Mary a virgin: linguistic commentary
offended the boy
Offensive of the RF Armed Forces: delayed, canceled, what is the meaning of Bakhmut? (part 2)
Americans and their love for weapons
Educational institutions in Portugal are closed for quarantine
Taxi driver who eavesdrops on conversations. The yellow pencil that remembers everything
Yazhmothers 16
Mimos' answer to Travel Companions Without Commitment)
But it's me
Enthusiasts have compiled the statistics of the deadliest animals for humans
Material supply
Prolific Germans
Falcon 9 after landing. Elon Musk's height is 1.88 meters
The psychiatrist's main thing is not to be distracted
Social behavior of deer
How to exactly get a loan!
Russian penal servitude
Raptor 1 -2 and 3 engines from Elon Musk
Response to the post "Roasting. What is the main problem with Pyaterochka?"
What if I don’t want to waste my time because of someone else’s mistake?
Continuation of the post “Electronic signature and public services”
An 8-month-old child from Tomsk, born without eyes, was found an adoptive family
The court recovered 218,000 rubles from the retailer for the defective phone in favor of the Buyer
Everything for the children
Passive aggression
Statistics on guns in the US and their use
Will it help?
Video from neural network