noxyz comments

[25] [2] [1]

14-April-2014 Monday
It seems to me or is it from the category, the certificate of a "Russian intelligence officer"

14-April-2014 Monday
Preliminary information

14-April-2014 Monday
Russia's response to US threats.

13-April-2014 Sunday
Meeting of a Bandera journalist in Kharkov

13-April-2014 Sunday
A new Maidan is being prepared in Kyiv, they are again not satisfied with the authorities

13-April-2014 Sunday
I don’t know how it was in Donbas ... But in Kharkov, supporters of federalization attacked civilians in the city center ...

13-April-2014 Sunday
Lukashenko: If necessary...

13-April-2014 Sunday
Odessa. Near the office of the "SVOBODA" party there was a car with the flag of the UPA.

13-April-2014 Sunday
US sanctions in action!

13-April-2014 Sunday
There are a lot of us )))

13-April-2014 Sunday
What is here, what is there is the same

13-April-2014 Sunday
How we live in Crimea now

13-April-2014 Sunday
Logistics nightmare: US will not be easy to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan

12-April-2014 Saturday
Meanwhile in the US.

10-April-2014 Thursday
Kills the illiteracy of the Ukrainian "stuffers".

17-March-2014 Monday

10-February-2014 Monday
Few people in Russia know, but the door must be opened in this way.

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