nouveauriche comments, page 79

[90] [80] [79] [78] [1]

22-March-2021 Monday
YouTube has deleted a video in your playlist and you're suffering? Then we go to you!

22-March-2021 Monday
And this guy knows how to put him in his place

22-March-2021 Monday
8 years for 2.7 kilograms of heroin

22-March-2021 Monday
How does coconut substrate absorb water?

21-March-2021 Sunday
Price tags with nines. What is the effect (and is there any?). How to resist

21-March-2021 Sunday
It turned out ugly...

21-March-2021 Sunday
Comments on the post “Thailand without the sea, or how to live here for $500”

20-March-2021 Saturday
Not everything is what it seems. Social advertisement

18-March-2021 Thursday
How marketers manipulate us without us even noticing

[90] [80] [79] [78] [1]
