non7top comments

[56] [2] [1]

02-November-2010 Tuesday
US State Department: Washington recognizes Japan's rights to the Kuril Islands

01-November-2010 Monday
The history of Chechnya from a former resident of Grozny

01-November-2010 Monday
drug wars in Latin America-2, categorically not for the faint of heart

01-November-2010 Monday
drug wars in mexico, not for the faint of heart

30-October-2010 Saturday
peekaboo, this is china. stood looking.

29-October-2010 Friday
Peekaboo, doesn't it remind you of anything?

27-October-2010 Wednesday
A military coup is possible in Russia in early November

26-October-2010 Tuesday
peekaboo, who watched "zeitgeist"? here is the trailer for the new part

25-October-2010 Monday

25-October-2010 Monday
Yanukovych called the famine a deliberate crime of Stalin

25-October-2010 Monday
An example of how a people's militia can cool the ardor of dancing Caucasians

10-October-2010 Sunday
Celtic dances - the tec?tonic is resting!!!!

08-October-2010 Friday
call boy. (not mine)

01-October-2010 Friday
Russian Nazis wanted to blow up 100 kg wasted in Stavropol

13-September-2010 Monday
Yesterday was tank day

07-September-2010 Tuesday
In Rostov-on-Don, a group beats up drinkers: "Russian, stop drinking!"

07-September-2010 Tuesday
In Moscow, a 9th grader killed an 11th grader with one blow

01-September-2010 Wednesday
Advice to MEGAFON subscribers. SMS to four-digit numbers

30-August-2010 Monday
So is Muldashev a genius or a senile?

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