worst comments
Take me with you
Where did you see Russians in Russia? -- a question from affected migrants
The day after tomorrow, a time capsule will be opened on Lenin Square in Donetsk
Western Union no longer transfers to Russia
The day after tomorrow, a time capsule will be opened on Lenin Square in Donetsk
Bolsheviks liquidate illiteracy
Response to the post "Thank you, Daddy"
Parachutist landing.
Family separatism or I guess I'm a bad mother!...
We need to work...
If a movie had been made about our love story...
Inspired by comments.
Expectation and reality
Why are there not enough teachers?
International Sandbox
What a twist!!!
You can't buy a friend in the store
About the lower shelves and upbringing
Sber leaking data?
Overheard about school
My mother is also a monster.
Reminder from Chinese police
Raise poverty or have abortions?
We are a simple people
Check list
Help from nowhere
Small toponymic discoveries
Heated debate
About respect for adults
And they say that Latin is useless
Where are you directing your energy?
Working beggars
Well done
From the life of an ambulance.
Chief's notes.
egyptian triangle
Repair of the porch, Kazan, now....
The owner pretended to drown to see if his dog would save him
Underage bastards.
A native of Central Asia attacked a woman in the suburbs of Kaliningrad
When you turned on the frontalka, but still you're damn beautiful
Too Cold for Righteousness
Minister of Education of Latvia: We will by no means leave the Russian language in schools
Generations have changed
A teacher who loves his job
For greedy customers
Slaves, they went around here ...