nodin6 comments, page 26

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30-November-2024 Saturday
Once we collected 100k pluses for returning minuses

29-November-2024 Friday
How to Properly Test Migrants' Knowledge of Russian

29-November-2024 Friday
Reply to post: "Miss Pikabu 2024: the brightest competition of this year!"

28-November-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Challenge of Kindness”

26-November-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "I want to participate in the Miss Pikabu 2024 contest"

25-November-2024 Monday
About the sentence of Nikita Zhuravl

25-November-2024 Monday
Well, guys, let's decide - should we lie low or surface?

24-November-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "A microloan for a matinee no longer seems like a fantasy"

23-November-2024 Saturday
Someone is planning a very fun evening...

22-November-2024 Friday
You won't have enough nerves to watch this.

21-November-2024 Thursday
Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the citizens of the country

21-November-2024 Thursday
Lock picking service. Winter exacerbation

19-November-2024 Tuesday
The US has entered a war with Russia. Has anyone noticed?

[28] [27] [26] [25] [1]
