worst comments
"Become an electrician, son"
Alone with Tu-144D
Reaction to the first points in life
beautifully formed
"The Russians are cheating." So KAMAZ wins thanks to secret equipment?
Lost knife
Go to the army, it's cool there
Better than a coat
Types of cyclists
Types of cyclists
"The Russians are cheating." So KAMAZ wins thanks to secret equipment?
Video released before destruction of tower in Gaza that housed foreign media bureaus
VBA Excel. I ask for advice
Damn South...
Reply to the post "Worthy in the collection"
Why does the moon always face the earth on only one side?
Hobby is
Humor (most likely questionable)
Studying new
Chain reaction of match heads in a glass teapot
Interest Ask
About the Internet
Response to the post "About Finalgon (again)"
Zhuzhong, having completed the main research mission, will continue to study Mars
Ukrainian memes
Questions about Ukraine
beautiful seam post