best comments
Mikhalkov has achieved his goal - he will collect money from all electronics in Russia
Sweden is slipping into an Islamic revolution.
Nationalists entered the Swedish parliament, deciding to close the country to Muslims.
Muslims were allowed to slaughter sheep-deputies on the streets of St. Petersburg
Muslims were allowed to slaughter sheep-deputies on the streets of St. Petersburg
Sweden is slipping into an Islamic revolution.
A new mosque and an Islamic institute will appear in St. Petersburg
"Islam is not a religion, but an ideology!"
"Islam is not a religion, but an ideology!"
Nationalists entered the Swedish parliament, deciding to close the country to Muslims.
Nationalists entered the Swedish parliament, deciding to close the country to Muslims.
LUZHKOV signed an order to celebrate the Feast of SACRIFICES on November 16th.
LUZHKOV signed an order to celebrate the Feast of SACRIFICES on November 16th.
Muslims threaten to pray in CHURCHES if they don't build MOSQUES
Muslims were allowed to slaughter sheep-deputies on the streets of St. Petersburg
Muslims were allowed to slaughter sheep-deputies on the streets of St. Petersburg