27-November-2017 Monday
Corydoras sp. "Black Venezuela"
24-November-2017 Friday
What is happening here?
23-November-2017 Thursday
02-November-2017 Thursday
The pretentious neocardine "Black Diamond" and the less pretentious "Dark Chocolate"
06-October-2017 Friday
Mexican blue dwarf crayfish
06-October-2017 Friday
aquarium pasture
05-October-2017 Thursday
10 cm banana filter added to my collection
27-September-2017 Wednesday
Fight for spirulina
11-September-2017 Monday
tree in the aquarium.
09-September-2017 Saturday
Well, here is the first frog!
08-September-2017 Friday
Still not frogs but not tadpoles either
03-September-2017 Sunday
02-September-2017 Saturday
28-August-2017 Monday
25-August-2017 Friday
Not yet stained Mexican crayfish
23-August-2017 Wednesday
Frog tadpole Hymenochirus
21-August-2017 Monday
Tetradons are spawning
21-August-2017 Monday
Shrimps with cancer, they are discussing something
19-August-2017 Saturday
Ampoule makes masonry
16-August-2017 Wednesday
Tetradons have started spawning)