natalia1993 comments, page 8

[9] [8] [7] [1]

11-December-2017 Monday
They don't get paid at work.

10-December-2017 Sunday
Collective liability

09-December-2017 Saturday
The employer does not want to pay for 3 months

08-December-2017 Friday
Exit from parental leave, five hour work day.

07-December-2017 Thursday
Do I have the right to terminate the contract with the employer?

08-November-2017 Wednesday
The beginning of the 2000s: a fair personal income tax and what happened to it.

03-November-2017 Friday
Essays on a Combustiologist (Part 9)

01-November-2017 Wednesday
Refund of tax deduction when buying an apartment

30-October-2017 Monday
Pitfalls of business 9: Taxes and checks.

26-October-2017 Thursday
About employers "pigs" or how I became a designer. part 2

18-October-2017 Wednesday
How to legally drive without OSAGO.

29-September-2017 Friday
Clarifications-refutations on someone else's post

31-August-2017 Thursday
Apparatus employed

[9] [8] [7] [1]
