worst comments
Chinese tampons - good or evil?
Pistachios have left the chat
Chinese tampons - good or evil?
The CCs are ragged. Need advice
Response to the post "Really, how?"
Response to the post "Really, how?"
Response to the post "Really, how?"
Miracles of bariatrics or how to throw off 60 kg of pure fat in a year without sports and diets
Pistachios have left the chat
Pistachios have left the chat
Pistachios have left the chat
Pistachios have left the chat
The Suffering of the Young Pope
On the Phenomenon of Working Poverty and Society's Response to the Problem
Response to the post "Really, how?"
Response to the post "Really, how?"
"Ma, let me have a drink." And so 7 times: a 9-year-old can't pour water! On domestic disability...