nastoy comments, page 14

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26-March-2022 Saturday
Then I had already fulfilled all my dreams.

24-March-2022 Thursday
Khlep is ready to be sliced

20-March-2022 Sunday
And how are you greeted by your cats?

17-March-2022 Thursday
That's it! The diet is over...

11-March-2022 Friday
About salt and sugar

10-March-2022 Thursday
Roskomnadzor demanded from TikTok to unblock the recording of Vladimir Putin's video message

09-March-2022 Wednesday
Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola leave Russia, Chernogolovka at this time

09-March-2022 Wednesday
Life with Kisulkin is when it is so

05-March-2022 Saturday
Where to buy a tree?

03-March-2022 Thursday
Dedicated to those who hate Russians

03-March-2022 Thursday
Non-***ing arrival in Kharkiv

03-March-2022 Thursday

03-March-2022 Thursday

02-March-2022 Wednesday
My Kissyandra!

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