nad.2034 posts, page 4

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07-December-2023 Thursday
Snowmobile based on Ford-T. USA, 1920s

02-December-2023 Saturday
Savely Kramarov - guest from the USA (emigrated in 1981). Moscow, Kinotavr festival, 1992

02-December-2023 Saturday
If you are caught by the police jaywalking, you will have to stand in the shame box for 30 minutes. South Korea in the 70s

22-November-2023 Wednesday
The border between Vietnam and Cambodia, fortified with poisoned bamboo stakes, 1972

20-November-2023 Monday
IL 112-S - a car legend of the Soviet era, the most striking example of domestic assembly of racing vehicles

10-November-2023 Friday
Reception of pioneers into the Komsomol on Red Square. Moscow, 1968

08-November-2023 Wednesday
One of the taxi companies in Moscow, 1948-1950

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Students of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University Alexander Kaverznev and Vladislav Listyev on the Borodino field "on potatoes". USSR, 1970s

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