n.tracery comments, page 4

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01-August-2020 Saturday
Need book help!

30-July-2020 Thursday
Berry pies with curd dough

30-July-2020 Thursday
Even Lenin will stand up

21-July-2020 Tuesday
Increased sweating

17-July-2020 Friday
“Measure twice, cut once,” they said

10-July-2020 Friday
And don’t even think about having animals!

10-July-2020 Friday
I ask for advice - the repair shop does not give away the electric scooter

06-July-2020 Monday
What a surprise". The black lives matter movement has transformed. They call themselves "black militia"

03-July-2020 Friday
Why are stray animals an environmental problem?

03-July-2020 Friday
Where to start building a family tree?

24-June-2020 Wednesday
Yula: divorce (rake with addition)

19-June-2020 Friday
250 million rubles were stolen from the compulsory medical insurance fund in the Russian region

18-June-2020 Thursday
Volga, evening, float

18-June-2020 Thursday
How to find my father?

09-June-2020 Tuesday
The side of the shoe is torn... It happens

28-May-2020 Thursday
A delicacy from underground. Dishes from all over the world that are buried before eating

27-May-2020 Wednesday
Serious boy

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