mskvremya posts, page 10

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17-October-2023 Tuesday
Interview with the hero of the Northern Military District, sapper of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Maxim, call sign Lis, mobilized from the Tyumen region

07-August-2023 Monday
Daria Morozova urges relatives of Russian prisoners of war not to transfer money for release from Ukrainian captivity

27-July-2023 Thursday
Sayan Zarikuev from Buryatia poured paint over the monument to the Hero of the USSR for $100 and became a defendant in the case of the rehabilitation of Nazism

24-July-2023 Monday
In the center of Moscow, a driver driving a Maserati knocked down a girl and crashed into a house

24-July-2023 Monday
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is conducting a check against retired judge Anatoly Gorgolin, who knocked down a 9-year-old child to death in Maikop Park

20-July-2023 Thursday
16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody

11-July-2023 Tuesday
In June 2023, 9 Ukrainian Nazis were convicted for committing crimes against civilians of Donbass

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