mrwissarion posts

01-July-2022 Friday
Fear and Loathing in Delimobile 2022

11-April-2022 Monday
Apple Watch 3 Series, looking for repairer advice

01-June-2021 Tuesday
Yandex courier cut someone else's thing-2. Happy end

15-September-2020 Tuesday
Uzbek parking

19-February-2020 Wednesday
Post #7240690

07-February-2020 Friday
Crime by.... Part two

06-February-2020 Thursday
Robbery according to...Zonovsky

27-December-2019 Friday
Chapter Nine. Drummer's Fate

21-December-2019 Saturday
Refueling without an operator and changing the number linked to the Gazpromneft card

18-December-2019 Wednesday
Chapter Eight - Our Mentors and New Friends

11-December-2019 Wednesday
Chapter seven, explaining some nuances

10-December-2019 Tuesday
Chapter 6. Daily routine and a little about the daily routine

08-December-2019 Sunday
Fifth chapter, officers, officers, and sergeants at gunpoint

07-December-2019 Saturday
Chapter Four. At the edge of geography

06-December-2019 Friday
Chapter Three - And again on the road!

05-December-2019 Thursday
Chapter two, speculative. Our ideas about the service before and after

04-December-2019 Wednesday
10 years since demobilization. Chapter first

25-September-2019 Wednesday
Bomzhovskaya raspberry or everyday life of a misanthrope.
