moroznaya1 comments

08-April-2015 Wednesday
When your husband is a welder...)))

25-March-2015 Wednesday
From comments or "here's the asshole-karmodrocher"

25-March-2015 Wednesday
7 films about how to turn a miserable existence into Life.

10-March-2015 Tuesday
Hidden romance in science

09-March-2015 Monday
There are only two types of people in the world

14-February-2015 Saturday
An entry from the diary of a strong and independent me, for Valentine's Day.

08-November-2014 Saturday
My neighbours!

08-November-2014 Saturday
My way to work... Photo taken this morning

06-November-2014 Thursday

04-November-2014 Tuesday
Expectation and reality

29-October-2014 Wednesday
Oh, everything!

28-October-2014 Tuesday
What attracts men

27-October-2014 Monday
"Happiness is not life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind." (c) Igor Nikolaev

27-October-2014 Monday
Igoras Nicolage

27-October-2014 Monday
Career growth
