worst comments
About former halves.
The legendary Professor Bogoraz.
Keanu Reeves & Cameron Diaz.
When the downvoters don't explain why the downvotes :)
The legendary Professor Bogoraz.
Elections at the neighbors
Yanukovych broke the Kyiv government at a press conference
Poverty and toll roads in Russia
Why is speed at sea measured in knots?
Poverty and toll roads in Russia
Keanu Reeves & Cameron Diaz.
P.N. Grudinin and E.A. Fedorov.
Master and Margarita
Elections at the neighbors
Poverty and toll roads in Russia
Souvenir shop
Who needs a star on the Christmas tree?
Everything is perfect in this photo!
How could it be...
Elections at the neighbors
Elections at the neighbors
When the downvoters don't explain why the downvotes :)
When the downvoters don't explain why the downvotes :)
Looking for MEM!
Redheads are warming up
Poverty and toll roads in Russia
Poverty and toll roads in Russia
Night in Dubai
Elections at the neighbors
Elections at the neighbors
Elections at the neighbors
I am 18 years old...
I am 18 years old...
How could it be...
Fantastic patterns
Parking in a shopping center in Baku
P.N. Grudinin and E.A. Fedorov.
Young caps
Tannin Banana .. found out that there is a week before the New Year ...