monetoff comments

06-March-2013 Wednesday
Susan coffey

04-March-2013 Monday
Need to check

04-March-2013 Monday
And today I got lucky!

21-February-2013 Thursday
Drawing on asphalt :3

21-February-2013 Thursday
I felt like a lost person in society.

20-February-2013 Wednesday
interest on youtube

18-February-2013 Monday
Internet meme is auctioned off for ?330

18-February-2013 Monday
The power of the internet!

13-February-2013 Wednesday
Disperse ... Agents are close!

11-February-2013 Monday
Gold or 403 million

11-February-2013 Monday
A bit of numismatics, Rare rubles

11-February-2013 Monday
Who is strong in geopolitics?

10-February-2013 Sunday
Coins are like a gopher, you can't see them, but they are there.

09-February-2013 Saturday
A new type of service in the metro
