best comments
Sleeping beauty: British woman who once slept for six months still barely wakes up
Severe childhood
The daughter of Vladimir Mashkov, actress Maria Mashkova, who lives with children in the United States, gave an interview to CNN
Crypto in African American
NVIDIA took a 1 Gigapixel screenshot of The Witcher 3
"Amsterdam hot chocolate" 18+
Yota's creativity is amazing.
Many points for each education employee
Reply to the post “Need advice”
The darkest model
Fun games with Beethoven
You will recognize him from a thousand)
Fucking pigs
A harsh parable and a life-affirming tale
A small selection of translations - 53
100 films with an unpredictable ending
How to spend 90% less energy at work :)
Which movie had the most unexpected plot twist that surprised you?
Interesting institution
To the malicious sufferers of malicious blockings
Christmas tree
Nizhny Novgorod
Made money...
Mitosis - (less often: karyokinesis or indirect division) - the division of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell while maintaining the number of chromosomes.
Dune 2: Epic Disappointment
Weekend is coming soon
The longer you stare the worse it gets
"Motherland" is in the lead in the competition to determine the design of new banknotes
When he went to Mordor through Russia
Nizhny Novgorod
The social network VKontakte will return the wall
Reflections of a bachelor on official marriage and divorcees with a trailer
Nothing to see
IKEA has published a recipe for branded meatballs
How it was...
The hard part of a game designer
Fright post!
Trash on store shelves
Spring morning
Adventure on your ass
About English humor
About mail again
Which movie had the most unexpected plot twist that surprised you?
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
Oh god, how I hate Reddit
In Yekaterinburg, you can find bags on the streets to clean up after your dog.
Harmful sediment
50 Useful Photoshop Tips #1
age problems.
Hover! (1995,windows)
At home in the forest, here I would rest!
What annoys a smoker
Yandex Bank does not allow you to repay your loan early
I go to Pikabu less and less often
The best Sony Ericsson phones of the past
15 years ago...
Garbage bin in Athens
How Russia became number one in the hookah industry - complete chronology. h1 year 2000-2010
How Russia became number one in the hookah industry - complete chronology. h1 year 2000-2010
Isn't that so?
Vladimir from a bird's eye view