mllZdar posts

24-December-2014 Wednesday
Meanwhile, oDesk froze all Crimean accounts

17-June-2014 Tuesday
Need a doctor's consultation

22-May-2014 Thursday
That very moment when you realize that you are no longer young :(

18-May-2014 Sunday
People's reactions to successful college admissions

01-April-2014 Tuesday
How does the green lever on the peekaboo work?

28-March-2014 Friday
This is the outfit my girlfriend was playing DotA the other day

21-March-2014 Friday
While everyone is laughing at the threats against Russia

30-December-2013 Monday
I've revisited it more than once :)

26-May-2012 Saturday

10-May-2012 Thursday
Pikachu surrendered)

27-March-2012 Tuesday
I understood what the problem of the new design is

14-February-2012 Tuesday
I'm wondering

15-December-2011 Thursday
