worst comments
No, well, what?
Missing child in Moscow!
No, well, what?
Moscow, ahtung!
Alternative ending
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
Missing child in Moscow!
True as it is
A brilliant plan on how to win the love of a girlfriend.
If you have two best friends in love with you..
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
broke the guy)
If you understand ...
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
No, well, what?
Interesting Facts
Missing child in Moscow!
Missing child in Moscow!
Missing child in Moscow!
Missing child in Moscow!
Missing child in Moscow!
Let's clap
Let's clap
Missing child in Moscow!
Missing child in Moscow!
No, well, what?
No, well, what?