misterDoc comments, page 116

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28-June-2024 Friday
Returned home in socks

27-June-2024 Thursday
Ancient people first trained on jars and only then switched to obsidian

25-June-2024 Tuesday
EOS-X Space has announced balloon flights to the edge of space in 2025

23-June-2024 Sunday
Born in a bulletproof vest

22-June-2024 Saturday
I remember, I'm proud

22-June-2024 Saturday
There is a high mountain, in it there is a deep hole, in that hole, in the sad darkness, a crystal coffin sways...

17-June-2024 Monday
When you have no complexes at all

17-June-2024 Monday
“The situation seemed hopeless, but the pilots did not think of giving up” They landed the plane after being hit by a missile

17-June-2024 Monday
Those born after 2010, how do you get out?

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