mimimishkami posts, page 5

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01-June-2024 Saturday
Golden words for everyone!

31-May-2024 Friday
To find out how people feel about you...

28-May-2024 Tuesday
Thought is the beginning of everything...

27-May-2024 Monday
Don't let fear break you!

17-May-2024 Friday
Learn to enjoy life!

17-May-2024 Friday
Small steps lead to great things

16-May-2024 Thursday
Don't let the past influence you

14-May-2024 Tuesday
Doubts and uncertainty are bad companions in life.

13-May-2024 Monday
Difficulties in life strengthen us...

13-May-2024 Monday
These words will give you strength!

08-May-2024 Wednesday
Omar Khayyam won't say nonsense!

08-May-2024 Wednesday
Good words in difficult times

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