21-October-2017 Saturday
Lenin in Dubna
17-October-2017 Tuesday
What is it, and what was it for?
17-October-2017 Tuesday
20-September-2017 Wednesday
After watching an interview with Dudya and Neuromonk Feofan
18-September-2017 Monday
18-September-2017 Monday
Help me find the name of the song!
18-September-2017 Monday
A neighbor sheltered a sick deer and named him "Chocolate" after all, there are kind people.
18-September-2017 Monday
Nickelmen congratulates Norilsk on the upcoming optical fiber :)
13-September-2017 Wednesday
Flash drives made of epoxy resin, exotic wood and mammoth tusk.
08-September-2017 Friday
Aircraft rammed into the second tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
20-August-2017 Sunday
Small shot of Venus with a private telescope.
01-August-2017 Tuesday
Handjob Moto Drift Trike! - Part 1 - we cook the frame, put the rear axle, wheels, motor, chain ...
10-July-2017 Monday
161 years since the birth of Nikola Tesla.
28-June-2017 Wednesday
carved old man
27-June-2017 Tuesday
Finding a companion for a crazy journey
21-June-2017 Wednesday
adult babayka
13-June-2017 Tuesday
Orthodoxy vs. the Bible - Part Two (Saints and Lies)
10-June-2017 Saturday
"Black Panther" trailer
24-May-2017 Wednesday
Ladies had a good time
23-April-2017 Sunday
The head of Russian Railways inspects a reserved seat car