18-April-2015 Saturday
The dream that everyone has.

23-February-2015 Monday
Origin is now 30% off Battlefield 3 Premium.

21-February-2015 Saturday
Note to sadists.

08-February-2015 Sunday
Don't spit against the wind...

21-January-2015 Wednesday
To flicker or not to flicker, that is the question...

19-January-2015 Monday
Did you know?

19-January-2015 Monday
Deal with it.

04-January-2015 Sunday
A small message to me in the future.

22-November-2014 Saturday
Well, how many Vastam?

07-October-2014 Tuesday
The whole point of Freud.

06-October-2014 Monday
Comrades, I have a BOMB.

30-September-2014 Tuesday
I have a BOMB, comrades.
