worst comments
Kurginyan about the collapse of Russia and M. Gaddafi
Throwing in North Ossetia at section 70
The main gay of Moscow broke off live
Anti-religious alphabet of the USSR
We have 17 years
Machu Picchu
Why is 200 billion rubles spent on the APEC summit
A bit of philosophy on peekaboo, I liked the message. Or the meaning of life.
Common Jew
Siskokote nothing more
While the American elite accuses Russia of suppressing rallies, their own police are completely undemocratic knitting "Wall Street invaders
I'm slowpoke and only watched the Christmas Episode on 12/30/2013
And let's see how many Nashists are on the site
Been going to this for 26 years.
Racist 2
About politics and Russia.
1 liter of gasoline for 4 kopecks!
Tired of society?
Vote count: CEC data online
Think ...
bismuth crystal
Kaif as the basis of life.
What a wonderful photo I saw on facebook
Powerful for such fragility
Request to pikabu users [response from one of the users]
National question
Soon on NG it will be dangerous to leave the house.
beyond understanding
Found it on the Internet...