maxbondars comments

25-April-2015 Saturday
Where are you driving? You are a bike B*

04-April-2015 Saturday
The answer is obvious

02-April-2015 Thursday
Here they are f*cking headphones

02-December-2014 Tuesday
Miracles of Belarusian medicine paired with the government

04-November-2014 Tuesday
Tallest skyscraper in the US completed in New York

27-October-2014 Monday
What is the speed of darkness?

23-September-2014 Tuesday
The most unusual photos from National Geographic. Party 1

25-October-2013 Friday
Applause for novice drivers!

25-October-2013 Friday
i would do that too

24-October-2013 Thursday
Greetings to BSU students, from BSUIR students :)

24-October-2013 Thursday
Drunk driving in Belarus: severe measures taken

23-October-2013 Wednesday
Eldar Broadway is my idol

22-October-2013 Tuesday

22-October-2013 Tuesday
A minute of sexism

21-October-2013 Monday
special hat
