worst comments
Veteran at the grave of fellow soldier, 1980
How to do?
In pursuit, about overgrown classmates.
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
Crazy discount or return the old price.
"Sherp" is a Russian-made all-terrain vehicle.
Veteran at the grave of fellow soldier, 1980
How I built the house 11 Ground floor bath
The consignment.
Spying through "private" security cameras!
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
Be a man, bleat!
What goes through my head when I'm suddenly asked to tell a joke.
The first aerial zebra was installed in Moscow, at VDNKh.
Coat of arms of the Order of Procrastination (made of wood).
How I built the house 11 Ground floor bath