mashmet comments, page 2

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28-July-2013 Sunday
My cat went to bed today without waiting for a call from his girlfriend.

24-July-2013 Wednesday

24-July-2013 Wednesday
Refrigerator of the future?

23-July-2013 Tuesday
Again comment)

07-July-2013 Sunday

06-July-2013 Saturday
The poor guy was always standing on his toes to look taller than his girlfriend.

02-July-2013 Tuesday
About madness.

06-June-2013 Thursday
Take care of the Starks, there are so few of them left

30-May-2013 Thursday
Do you buy USE answers? I also like to take risks. ;)

24-May-2013 Friday
Quality cosplay, just the way you like it.

02-May-2013 Thursday
Game of Thrones

22-April-2013 Monday

24-March-2013 Sunday
The game. We show screenshots of our desktops.

17-March-2013 Sunday

04-March-2013 Monday
Weather in Voronezh, it is

24-February-2013 Sunday
Ren-TV, what are you doing?

18-February-2013 Monday
It's true.

05-January-2013 Saturday
Why was he so afraid?

04-January-2013 Friday
The Grumpy Cat. ( I drew )

04-January-2013 Friday
But what if ?)

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