marcdorcel posts

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23-October-2014 Thursday

17-October-2014 Friday

15-October-2014 Wednesday
Brainlessness is national!

15-October-2014 Wednesday
Why is the HUDSON river, and Mrs. HUDSON, spelled the same in English ...

10-October-2014 Friday
The dog is lost, responds to Sasha, sometimes to Gray. Very affectionate and obedient.

07-October-2014 Tuesday
Bibi Noel. Some cosplay from Brazzers, link to the torrent in the comments.

11-September-2014 Thursday
At the word "American" I have long imagined a Jew or a Negro, a Jew more often.

07-September-2014 Sunday
I read it for half a year, now it's reached ...

05-September-2014 Friday
Cheerful Milkman Justus Walker - finish it, pzhl!

23-August-2014 Saturday
Andryukha 22

12-August-2014 Tuesday
The Tardis moved to the Peter and Paul Fortress.

14-July-2014 Monday
European fun, once in a hundred years to get together and get piz * yuley from Russia together!

16-June-2014 Monday
Lyalyalyalya screamed a black man ...

23-May-2014 Friday
There is nothing more beautiful than female friendship!

08-May-2014 Thursday
Fish GIF

03-May-2014 Saturday
DEATH with a scythe. (Night scare)

24-April-2014 Thursday
Coincidence. Simple coincidence. Of course with errors, but in meaning ....

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Has a woman ever looked at you like that?!

19-April-2014 Saturday
Vesti - St. Petersburg-Nikita Andreev, reminds someone ...

06-April-2014 Sunday
Dani Verissimo is an actress from the 13th district, who cares about the link with her old movies inside.

02-April-2014 Wednesday
Just a gif from a documentary

01-January-2014 Wednesday
Thanks, jerked off...

10-December-2013 Tuesday
Do not cut for ashipki!

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