16-March-2022 Wednesday
The language barrier
13-March-2022 Sunday
Watch MiFit lost, St. Petersburg
11-November-2021 Thursday
Discounts for snorers on the train
26-September-2021 Sunday
Response to the post "5 people died on Elbrus"
17-May-2021 Monday
About laser correction
19-March-2021 Friday
Looking at this advertisement, the slogan suggests itself: “The sucker is destiny!”
07-February-2021 Sunday
Squeezed to the last drop
29-October-2020 Thursday
Birth of a Chameleon
19-June-2020 Friday
30-March-2020 Monday
Follow WHO recommendations
14-February-2020 Friday
Denis Devkin, who shouted “AUE” at the celebration of a former ICR employee, is suing the media
17-December-2019 Tuesday
Cunning Caesar...
14-November-2019 Thursday
The student asked the sage...
25-February-2019 Monday
Goldfish: how to lower food prices.
12-February-2019 Tuesday
04-February-2019 Monday
Power Peekaboo please help! Ordinary citizens suffer because of the criminal negligence of the Criminal Code and the administration of St. Petersburg.
12-January-2019 Saturday
Glasses with diopters from aliexpress
30-December-2018 Sunday
What color is the Sun really?
12-December-2018 Wednesday
My girlfriend sent me this photo when I was on the toilet
24-November-2018 Saturday
Personal experience of blood donation