malinoviy comments

01-November-2023 Wednesday
Top hardware of the early 90s

21-April-2022 Thursday
Need carbamazepine/finlepsin, Simferopol

04-March-2022 Friday
Here all the sanctions are imposed, and I decided to make my software free for everyone.

09-December-2021 Thursday
Business lunch for small business in 2021

04-July-2021 Sunday
Response to the post "Respect"

06-March-2019 Wednesday
How do we build a house.

06-December-2018 Thursday
Winter confrontation.

04-December-2018 Tuesday
Started pizza delivery. Part 9: Calculating the time to open a pizza delivery

09-April-2018 Monday
About inventions and their implementation

09-March-2018 Friday
Flight Moscow-Tokyo for 10 thousand rubles

02-March-2018 Friday
When will the new firmware be out?! (series "My cooperation with China")
