worst comments
Help raise, I want to return the guy, and behind me - a bunch of joints!
Comments :)
Help raise, I want to return the guy, and behind me - a bunch of joints!
I became a mother!!!
I was driving home from work...
Husband bought today in the store) The price of this miracle is 65 rubles. The saleswoman said that they come for him from all over Moscow)))
Be on the lookout! They're here!
A couple of funny stories
I swelled yesterday so that there is a Yandex browser on my computer
Did not have time
Metro station "Gagarinskaya"
And jumped into the kitchen.
Can you explain please
Why am I such a loser?
I'm almost happy
Mood for the whole day :D
Husband bought today in the store) The price of this miracle is 65 rubles. The saleswoman said that they come for him from all over Moscow)))
About woodpeckers
The best day)
The best day)
The best day)
"You're a good girl, but..."
programmer help
He wants to come back...
About children.
Failed inheritance
Failed inheritance
girls eat meat
girls eat meat
The child is crying
A new kind of sticks
Useless iPhone.
Something boiled
"Think about how your body will look when you get old" (c) An infinite number of limited people.
When you decide to clean your keyboard