maladechik comments, page 14

[15] [14] [13] [1]

17-September-2024 Tuesday
Hillary Clinton Proposes Imprisoning Americans for 'Incorrect' Social Media Posts

12-September-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "I'm sick of Tajiks, damn it"

12-September-2024 Thursday
He doesn't bite!

12-September-2024 Thursday
GoodByeDPI program stopped working

10-September-2024 Tuesday
Unloading coal at the thermal power plant

09-September-2024 Monday
Answer: About KVN. Or why it's not the same anymore

06-September-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "We and They"

05-September-2024 Thursday
A jump that would give everyone goosebumps

01-September-2024 Sunday
Men of Beslan, having learned that their loved ones have been taken hostage, take out their weapons and begin to gather around the school

01-September-2024 Sunday
Migration lobbyists make their move

27-August-2024 Tuesday
What the rail frame of Moscow will look like in 2030

15-August-2024 Thursday
About the Buryats

26-July-2024 Friday
Looks straight into the soul

[15] [14] [13] [1]
