08-June-2015 Monday
When you really like a gift =)
06-June-2015 Saturday
Easy as pie!
05-June-2015 Friday
Iron Maidan.
05-June-2015 Friday
When the car broke down and you are Zamkadysh
02-June-2015 Tuesday
Let's help improve Russian Railways
01-June-2015 Monday
Thousands of marijuana sprouts in the center of Astana
28-May-2015 Thursday
"My wife's wedding ring fell into the vent. Instead of calling a plumber, I armed myself with a webcam, a tape measure and a flashlight"
23-May-2015 Saturday
22-May-2015 Friday
Work of professionals
20-May-2015 Wednesday
Long wait
16-May-2015 Saturday
For Unis
15-May-2015 Friday
Comments (1)
14-May-2015 Thursday
How to write and publish your book?
12-May-2015 Tuesday
My dear Muscovites
10-May-2015 Sunday
The man is a jack of all trades.
07-May-2015 Thursday
21-April-2015 Tuesday
15-March-2015 Sunday
Fear of astronauts
15-March-2015 Sunday
"Dude fell asleep at the hockey game"
06-March-2015 Friday
"Mark My Word"