03-December-2023 Sunday
Kaiser Medal for Bravery
02-December-2023 Saturday
Another knife
01-December-2023 Friday
There is nothing better than the feeling of the road and the anticipation of adventure!
01-December-2023 Friday
Good afternoon, diggers!
30-November-2023 Thursday
Take the device, let's take off!)
29-November-2023 Wednesday
Cockade of an ordinary employee of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia. (Bronze, stamping)
29-November-2023 Wednesday
Good morning!
28-November-2023 Tuesday
Oh yeah little knife!
27-November-2023 Monday
Pepe pro
27-November-2023 Monday
Heavy metal detector :)
27-November-2023 Monday
You shall not pass!!!
26-November-2023 Sunday
Disappeared villages
25-November-2023 Saturday
Field, Russian field!
25-November-2023 Saturday
Dedicated to everyone who suffers during the off-season!
17-July-2023 Monday
My cat is cosplaying Puma
25-June-2023 Sunday
New holiday
15-June-2023 Thursday
Help identifying a bird
15-June-2023 Thursday
Almost panorama
15-June-2023 Thursday
Well, my dear, have you reached your goal?
12-June-2023 Monday
Soviet knife and four coins of the same year
12-June-2023 Monday
How the neural network sees today's Bund, if I'm on the left :)
15-April-2023 Saturday
lovely beetle
10-April-2023 Monday
08-March-2023 Wednesday
Memories of a warm summer - miracles with the sun
03-March-2023 Friday
A little about encolpion