m4d3m comments

[4] [2] [1]

04-March-2021 Thursday
What if “Revda Worker” remained like this forever...

01-December-2020 Tuesday
Simplicity is worse than theft

25-October-2020 Sunday
Unusual pet

20-June-2020 Saturday
And I want to run!

08-May-2020 Friday
While everyone is running around with coronavirus...

07-March-2020 Saturday
Black Mesa: after 14 years, the Half-Life remake finally saw the light

05-March-2020 Thursday
I'm a wimp

29-January-2020 Wednesday
Putin fired the head of Chuvashia due to loss of trust

12-October-2019 Saturday
When you and your friend love the same music.

16-May-2019 Thursday
What did you squabble?

01-March-2019 Friday
Photos from the filming and interesting facts for the film Zhmurki 2005

27-November-2018 Tuesday
Oh coin.

28-March-2018 Wednesday
Is it possible to beat them if it is too late to re-educate?

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