worst comments
A priest from the Chelyabinsk region saved the life of the groom at the wedding.
Possums are the cutest creatures =)
that cat is meowing
How to call a taxi
Why is the fire extinguishing bucket conical?
Zhiharka and Lisa
What is the problem?
Brawl on the road (Krasnoyarsk)
I was preparing a pie, turned away for the filling, I turn back, and there ...
Techies, please help!
Be bold :)
Do you remember guys?
Contept CAR from LADA(Long Post)
School uniform.
Got sick
Severe village ingenuity
It's relevant now, like...
Medic trolls
Screened bestsellers
Unicorn Milonov brought an elderly woman to tears.
What is the problem?
The case says ...
How leeches are grown
Typical auto repair day
Russia handed over the Bushehr nuclear power plant for operation to Iran. Hurrah, comrades!
Clock from a Soviet vacuum fluorescent display
I'm from that generation of kids...
And why buy such official cars?
Why should a child be taught to swear
In the morning Izhevsk turns into a silent hill
What if