lvgdeika comments, page 2

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24-July-2013 Wednesday
Reminds someone of Lincoln, but to me the father of Uncle Fedor

14-July-2013 Sunday
Instructive story. Many letters.

06-July-2013 Saturday
Not really

05-July-2013 Friday
Very interesting long post

01-July-2013 Monday
Today's experience.

27-June-2013 Thursday
Bad ass

20-June-2013 Thursday
The Dark Brotherhood is not scorching

09-June-2013 Sunday
The dog that saved 2 girls in the Philippines was left without the upper part of the muzzle

30-May-2013 Thursday

30-May-2013 Thursday
My dog

30-May-2013 Thursday

30-May-2013 Thursday
How sometimes such a pointer is needed

29-May-2013 Wednesday
Mego epic fast and furious 6

17-May-2013 Friday
Fear in the eyes, fire in * opera!

03-May-2013 Friday
Yuri Gagarin

26-April-2013 Friday
If books were released on peek-a-boo part 2 (last) Thanks for the ideas to the pick-ups in the last post.

24-April-2013 Wednesday
10 year difference

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