lukomen posts, page 2

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14-September-2014 Sunday
I'm not fat, I just have a horizontal type of acceleration

11-September-2014 Thursday
Steel giant.

07-September-2014 Sunday
I heard they love cosplay here?

05-September-2014 Friday
No napkins?

03-September-2014 Wednesday

01-September-2014 Monday
Brilliant, but the girls would eat everything ...

01-September-2014 Monday
Elephants take an evening bath

01-September-2014 Monday
The tourist wandered the world for 23 years

30-August-2014 Saturday
Decent slogan.

29-August-2014 Friday
Dedicated to students and pupils.

29-August-2014 Friday
There was a button accordion

28-August-2014 Thursday
And can I not take off my shoes?

24-August-2014 Sunday
There was an accordion, and now sisi * _ *

24-August-2014 Sunday
It happens to everyone..

23-August-2014 Saturday

23-August-2014 Saturday
I remind...

23-August-2014 Saturday
Guys will understand.

22-August-2014 Friday
My uncle...

22-August-2014 Friday
A store has opened in my house that defines our social status.

21-August-2014 Thursday
The same film on tea.

19-August-2014 Tuesday
I knew!

17-August-2014 Sunday
Batman Who.

17-August-2014 Sunday
He's Batman!

17-August-2014 Sunday
Holmes needs Moriarty, and Batman... the Joker!

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