best comments
Such a summer...
When on the test you are the only one in the class who knows how to solve the problem.
This is quite sad...
Stars on peekaboo.
Decided to make caramel at home.
Such a summer...
Just a beautiful photo of Emma.
Proper use of a 3D printer
I'm just mesmerized by the beauty of her ... eyes;)
CERV - the concept of a bicycle without a steering fork and chain
10 Stars Who Sacrificed Beauty for a Role
Common Misconceptions (Part 3)
VK comments again: D
The choice is yours!
Luke Skywalker is gone :(
Post about dads
I have one friend
Female roles of male actors, both foreign and Russian
angry duck
Our legends.
Awkward feeling
Awkward feeling
Such a good movie :D
Koment killed