20-April-2019 Saturday
Steering wheel Lancer
22-December-2018 Saturday
Thanks post
28-October-2018 Sunday
Knights of the brown table
10-October-2018 Wednesday
Russian football players in the world of Game of Thrones
19-June-2018 Tuesday
Forgive me
12-June-2018 Tuesday
Too many bridges...
31-May-2018 Thursday
26-April-2018 Thursday
We have a wonderful neighbor in our house...
13-February-2018 Tuesday
Dice: The Phantom Menace
15-January-2018 Monday
A belated post about a New Year's gift from Karasuk
14-July-2017 Friday
The vaunted German auto industry
04-July-2017 Tuesday
Problems of drivers on peek-a-boo)
07-April-2015 Tuesday
Her name is Masya
13-February-2015 Friday
Wife's Mystery