linkrain posts

26-May-2020 Tuesday
Asynchronous programming

28-March-2020 Saturday
The old Lonely Island YOLO video has taken on new colors in connection with what is happening in the world

15-October-2018 Monday
Good morning

04-January-2018 Thursday
Keep calm...

31-December-2017 Sunday
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

13-February-2017 Monday
Briefly about the logistics of the Russian post. Delivery must be in the Moscow region.

25-April-2016 Monday
Small will not advise bad

19-April-2016 Tuesday
When I came to work during the deadline

07-April-2016 Thursday
Russian crazy Tarantino. Why you should go to the movie "Hardcore".

07-March-2016 Monday
When on February 23 I received a tank of socks ...

18-September-2015 Friday
And again the self-irony level: Matt Groening

24-May-2015 Sunday
Harry Potter chooses Slytherin.

16-May-2015 Saturday
Development of Pueritia VT - test visualization application for students.

06-August-2014 Wednesday
"One to Five". I used to write stories

09-June-2014 Monday
Help with tfcp task

01-June-2014 Sunday
Too bad it's not May 32nd.

30-May-2014 Friday
Yandex and autocorrect

15-May-2014 Thursday

11-May-2014 Sunday
Friends and Russian series
