likeabo comments, page 2

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13-May-2020 Wednesday

22-December-2019 Sunday
Biting the hand that feeds? yes easily, with respect Avito

22-December-2019 Sunday
Protect pensioners and the elderly

17-June-2019 Monday
Please give in, I beg you.

06-January-2019 Sunday
If you overslept the Mytishchi stop on the Moscow-Monino train

02-January-2019 Wednesday
Shell's inimitable promotion

09-May-2018 Wednesday
Children broke the wing of the IL-14, jumping on it in a crowd to the approving exclamations of their mothers

03-September-2017 Sunday
Harvest free, pickup

29-April-2017 Saturday
Price on the price tag and checkout. Life hack from Lenta

08-April-2017 Saturday
collective farm punk

01-April-2017 Saturday
Russian Post operator in Tomsk sells phones stolen from parcels

23-December-2016 Friday
Drunk fellow at the airport.

11-November-2016 Friday
Democratic poll from Sberbank

08-November-2016 Tuesday
Drunk was sleeping on the road. I did not react ... need help with advice

13-October-2016 Thursday
How I said goodbye to Rostelecom

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